
In the Media: Cars of the Future

Cars of the Future on how Streetscope's Collision Hazard Measure enables self-driving stakeholders to accelerate deployment with confidence.

December 9, 2022
Shortlisted by Zenzic for CAM Scale-up, Streetscope’s Collision Hazard Measure can inform safe self-driving deployment:
“There’s a school of thought that you can use aggregated data from other drive events using cell phone based sensors, but they lack context. Why did they slam on the brakes? Why did they accelerate so aggressively? There is no correlation to risk.
“We’re trying to get these industries to recognise that the data they’re spending a lot of money on is insufficient, and they’d be better off using our Collision Hazard Measure.”

For the rest of the article, visit the Cars of the Future blog.


Image by Streetscope

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